State of Mine Eyewear



SKU: 2022419 Categories: ,

Performing Style

Our frames are meticulously hand-crafted using Grade A Italian acetate, surgical stainless steel and premium German and Japanese hinges. Your logo will be added to the demo lens and precisely etched into the temples, utilizing the best branding equipment in the industry.

Our Inspiration – Brentwood

Donec erat arcu, luctus quis mi et, sodales rhoncus felis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam fringilla tellus a erat ultrices ultricies. Fusce scelerisque lorem sed nibh lacinia, at mollis eros lacinia. Suspendisse non venenatis velit.


Havana Bone, Mahogany, Striated Bark

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